Nsongwe, Zambia
Nsongwe is a very poor village about 10 miles outside of Livingstone, Zambia. The housing consists of round mud huts with thatch roofing. Most people don’t have a job, as the unemployment rate in Livingstone is 70%, and not many people are educated. The men whittle wooden figures to sell at the marketplace – this is their only industry. Most people don’t have shoes or food.
Mission in Nsongwe
In the Nsongwe village school, we ensure that students have books and school supplies, we pay for a preschool teacher, we bring used shoes for the 9th graders, we hand out toothpaste and tooth brushes, and bags of soap, shampoo, etc. There is a Clinic in Nsongwe that serves nine villages. The government pays for the Nurse and Midwife, but not supplies. Annually, we bring sterile gloves, bandages and Band-Aids, feminine pads for the school girls, blankets and socks for the newborns, antibacterial gel, Desitin, Neosporin, Ibuprofen, antifungal cream, reading glasses, etc. We also provide the Grandmothers and Grandfathers with two bags of necessities to help in their dire situation. The bags contain beans, cooking oil, a candle, matches, toilet paper, salt, sugar, tea, Vaseline, etc.